Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Book Signing in Springfield, MO
Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Place: Borders Bookstore
Springfield author Holly Ketchum will be signing books at Border's Bookstore (located in Primrose Market Place in Springfield, MO) on Saturday, December 13, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Copies of both Adventures of D Mouse and D Mouse's Christmas Adventure will be available to purchase.
A portion of the proceeds from 2010 sales of her newest chapter book for children, "D Mouse's Christmas Adventure", will be donated to Epic Arts Cambodia in honor of her son. Epic Arts Cambodia works to promote the message "every person counts" through training persons with disabilities in education and the performing arts.
You can learn more about Epic Arts HERE.
CLICK HERE to visit the Borders Bookstore website.
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
Christmas Coloring Pages!
2. D's Candy Cane Wish Comes True - download JPG or PDF

3. O Christmas Tree - download JPG or PDF

4. D Keeps Warm in the Cold - download JPG or PDF

A BIG Thanks to Charissa for sharing these illustrations. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Springfield Author's Fair
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
New Book Available: D Mouse's Christmas Adventure!
Charissa pro

You can purchase the book online at Amazon (HERE) or Create Space (HERE). The price is $10.
A portion of proceeds of the 2010 sells will go to support Epic Arts, an organization in Cambodia supporting people with disabilities to enjoy life and make a living through creative expression. (More info HERE)
But more on that later! :)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wacky Story #1: Betty Redbreast Meets D Mouse
I was ________________ (verb ending in “-ing”) for ________________ (noun) in the park when I ____________ (past-tense verb) under a large _______________ (adjective) _____________ (noun).
As I was _______________ (verb ending in "-ing") along, a drop of ________________ (type of liquid) shook loose from the ____________ (noun) above my _____________ (body part).
It ______________ (past-tense verb) to the ground with a ______________ (adjective) splash. It only met ___________ (a number) obstacle(s) along the way – my _______________ (body part).
I had just gotten the ____________ (adjective) force of that ____________ (type of liquid) droplet right in my ____________ (adjective) eyes, so I was blinking _______________ (adverb).
I couldn’t see very well, but I could see something out of the corner of my eye. It was _______________ (adjective). It was ______________ (adjective). And it was ___________________ (verb ending in "-ing") on the ground.
I was now tremendously ______________ (adjective) and ______________ (adjective), so I wasted no time in ________________ (verb ending in "-ing") on that unsuspecting _____________ (an animal).
But it turned out to be the _______________ (noun) of a rather small field mouse.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wacky Story #1
Fun Activities Page - CLICK HERE
Download Wacky Story #1 - PDF (CLICK HERE) or ONLINE in html (CLICK HERE)
Available at Borders
If you know anyone living in or visiting the Springfield, MO area that might be interested, please pass on the news! Thanks!
CLICK HERE to visit the store's website.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Book Signing
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
3 New Coloring Pages

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Kids Create
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Fun with a Mouse Puppet
Monday, July 12, 2010
Introducing D
Holly's written a new children's book called Adventures of D Mouse. The (delightful!) illustrations are by our good friend, Charissa B. Coyle.
Join Betty Redbreast as she shares stories of her good friend, D Mouse. From finding an unusual home to flying a kite, from making trouble to making a movie, D is a mouse with an appetite for friendship, excitement, and cheese, of course.When I was living in the Bay Area, there was a man who lived near the Golden Gate Park with the longest dredlocks I have ever seen. He carried them around on a staff. I didn't know him, but he was a bit of an icon in the Haight. It was rumored that a mouse lived in his hair.
D Mouse lives in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California.
Holly was telling this story to John when he said, "I bet that mouse had lots of adventures!"
And so the book was born.
Holly's finished the first draft of some Christmas adventures. Time to put my editor cap back on. (See, everyone, my undergraduate degree in English is NOT useless!) ;)
For more information:
Visit Amazon.com or CreateSpace.com to learn more or purchase the book.
Holly has a Facebook page, too, HERE. You can join it to get updates, including future books she writes.
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