Friday, August 18, 2017

Illustrator Spotlight: Rashad Malik Davis

"When Holly approached me for this project, I knew that this was something I could really sink my teeth into. I'm all about an inclusive world and showing, ultimately, our one-ness. This project could not have been more perfect for me. 

"With our ever changing world that is being forced to understand its complexity and diversity, I knew that this project was timely and necessary. Amidst all of the negativity that we're bombarded with, it's nice to know that there are books like these that are helping us reshape and redefine our narrative!"

Rashad can most often be found sketching, writing, or engaging in exciting dialog about the magic and beauty – both seen and unseen – of our diverse world. He has illustrated for a #1 bestselling children’s book on Amazon entitled Sunne’s Gift: How Sunne Overcame Bullying to Reclaim God’s Gift

Rashad resides in New Jersey with family and a wide array of pencils, pens, and unfinished how-to books. He has also recently illustrated his first children’s book in a series entitled “Carefree, Like Me!”. For more or to follow his work, please visit his website.

Full Text of the Book

America Will Be Great

America will be great when all people feel safe, no matter the color of their skin, no matter where they were born, no matter who they love, and no matter where they do or do not worship.

America will be great when every person has a safe place to sleep at night and enough food to eat each day.

America will be great when every person can go to the doctor and get the medicine and care they need when they are sick.

America will be great when all people can get the education they need to do the work they love.

America will be great when acceptance, understanding, and love are the expectation for handling disagreements or differences.

America will be great when we value all people more than money or power.

America will be great when we see ability, value, and worth in all people.

America will be great when we welcome those from other places, recognizing that we have much to learn from each other, and the possibility of creating a bright future together.

America will be great when we value every person’s work and pay enough money for people to be able to meet all of their needs.

America will be great when we value peace and love equally for all people in all the world.

America will be great when we care about the planet and work to keep our lands, water, air, and habitats clean and safe for all that live there.

America will be great when we, the people, unite to make it so.

Words by Holly Ketchum


This text is available as a fully illustrated children’s book.

To find out more about the book and to get a copy, visit:

New Poster Available

You can now download and print this 8x10 poster featuring one of the illustrations and the full text of the book.