America Will Be Great is a children's picture book that invites us to think about the question, What makes a nation a great place?

America Will Be Great was written as a response to the increase in hate crimes during and after the USA presidential election of 2016. It is my attempt to contribute something positive to the national dialogue, especially for our children.
Violence, hatred, and fear of those that are “other” than we are do not create or sustain a great nation, and we need to be very clear about that. While frustrations and fears are common human emotions, those emotions can allow us to empathize with one another on a deeper level. When we allow the emotions to alienate and separate us from one another, we do ourselves and the world a disservice.
We owe it to our children to actively create another way of being and acting within this diverse world. It is unity, our care and compassion for others even when they differ from us, and our commitment to make a just and healthy life for all people, both in our nation and in all the world, that could make us great. Our freedom and well-being are bound up together. No one is free while some are oppressed.

America Will Be Great is a collaboration of the author and a variety of artists, featuring a different illustrator for each page. We come from diverse backgrounds and life situations, creating a real life example of the beauty we can create when we live and work together with equality, respect, and dignity for each person. Together, we present a vision for what truly makes a nation great.

You can download a digital copy of the book for free (pdf, ~6.5 mb) by clicking here.
You can get a printed copy of the book at:
- your local bookstore, by request (ISBN 1546854916),
- Amazon or
You can read the full text of the book online by clicking here.